We live in a world disrupted by human, economic, social, religious, ethnic and productive changes. A remarkable paradox of our time is the growing of conflicts, durable misunderstandings and religious fights in spite of a multitude of informations and a necessity of a new consciousness of reality.
As cultural unanimity breaks down, cultural tradition comes under increasing attack.
Cultural heritages in Beyrouth as in Milan make us the people we are. And yet, precisely because we cannot and should not remove ourselves from the continuity of our traditions. The ancient worlds present very often inspirations in our thoughts in our lives, and in our visions.
I believe that progress means change and change is some time difficult for life. But we have to distinguish the right “protocol” to find the rigorous way “to be active with our hands and to walk with our feet” as Antiphon said.
I think that the confusion of the “jungle” around us is making all very tuff and it is time to go back to simplicity and rigor.
In my architecture and in my design I like to use materials and shapes originally far from their new function to give objects nobility and elegance with a zest of austerity.
I like to mix mathematic rigor to artistic imagination.
It is time to have discipline and to project objects with purity and essentiality. That is why I like these Desk and Writing Table San Paolo Converso with Unit Drawers that are in the same time strong and rigorous using as structure a material like iron that is by definition industrial.
Frank Gehry said, “Any material if used among his nature, produces a new form and a new use.”
We are close to a world when resilient and resilience and the ability to cope are like a rubber band. The role that Beyrouth played as the intellectual regional center might be a source of inspiration for the young designers. They can represent an important supportive role in what is bound to become a central challenge for the balance in our world.We are in Beyrouth, such a beautiful place with so great people and who better than Anaxagoras has said 7,5 billion individuals can simultaneously crisscross a “jungle” of conflicting influences and very often pursuing their interests without any guide lines.
People from Lebanon are incredibly resilient and resilience and the ability to cope are like a rubber band. The role that Beyrouth played as the intellectual regional center might be a source of inspiration for the young designers. They can represent an important supportive role in what is bound to become a central challenge for the balance in our world.
We are in Beyrouth, such a beautiful place with so great people and who better than Anaxagoras has said the right thing “What is the sense of human life? To look at the sky, the stars, the moon, the sun.”